Rape Kit Backlog

"Listen, you giant pink, hamster-fetus of a man..."

Holy Christ, that was a brutal! And beautiful!

Kelly Muschiana

Another beautiful illustration from my friend, Kelly Muschiana.


Bernie 2016

Hey! Hey! Look down here! I have something to say!

I am unequivocally voting for Bernie Sanders for President. He has more integrity and humanity than any other candidate that I would consider voting for. I find my myself inline with his moral compass.

I want "free stuff" as the dick parade on the right likes to sneer. I want free college for my kids because tuition is too high (because of Republicans) for them to afford it any other way. I want free health care for me because I can't afford it (because of Republicans) any other way. I want my supposed first-world country to join the rest of the actual first-world and advance our socially-responsible awareness and global stewardship. I actually want to make America great again - I better explain that one.

For example, America used to be #1 in education. We are 14th today. Specifically, 15th in literacy, 35th in math, and 29th in science. So many metrics that actually demonstrated the idea of a great America have evaporated. The idea of a great America is now fabled. I mean, come on. We are fucking 2nd in the world in child poverty! We are, however, #1 in locking up our own citizens. We beat China!... and every other despotic, authoritarian, black hole of civil liberties on Earth. USA! USA! USA!

All that stated, I am not one of these 'Bernie or Bust' fucksticks who are all too pure to vote for Hillary. That is no way to get toward a better version of this country. These 'B or B' idiots are so fucking perfect that they'd let the election go to Trump instead of voting for Hillary Clinton. She's not my candidate, but she is a hell of a lot closer to my political ideology than Trump or Cruz or Rubio. You ever heard that line: "Don't let perfect be the enemy of the good"? Something to think about.

Anyway, this doesn't have to be hard. This doesn't have to be a betrayal of your core values. I stated that I find myself inline with Bernie's moral compass. Come general election day, as suggested by Blue Gal from The Professional Left, I intend to vote for whoever Bernie Sanders is going to vote for. I think that is a good metric for deciding my vote.

Donald Trump Painting Revealing His Princess Tiny Meat Banned On Facebook

From Artlyst:

A pastel drawing by the gender fluid artist Illma Gore depicting Republican hopeful Donald Trump has resulted in censorship of the artist by Facebook. The irreverent image shows billionaire Trump in his briefs with his small anatomy poking out of the flap.

Illma Gore is a Los Angeles-based feminist artist. She created the artwork after forming the slogan, "You can be a massive prick, despite what is in your pants," Trump is depicted with a micro-penis. Showing his fat belly hanging over his legs. The image has gone viral on Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat, and is currently receiving broadsheet media exposure from dozens of newspapers. "Not everyone is psyched about Trump's junk being all up in their feed, however. Shortly after she posted the painting on February 10, Facebook notified her that her account was being suspended temporarily. The site has since been intermittently blocking her for three day-periods for reposting the image. Why keep posting an image that is certain to get you banned? "I am doing it to rebuke censorship,” the artist stated.

The original artwork was for sale on eBay earlier this week but Gore was blocked from posting the image in full and uncensored glory on the auction site. eBay later agreed that the picture fell under the "art" category which does allow nudity. The eBay auction has now finished. Gore said she will donate a portion of the proceeds to homeless teens at a charity organization called Safe Place for Youth.

Monday afternoon, Facebook notified Gore that she temporarily lost her Facebook privileges again. The notice said the ban would last for 13 hours, but it seems to be back up again.

In the past Facebook has been criticised for banning works of art by Gerhard Richter, Gustave Courbet and even the statue of Denmarks little Mermaid in an unprecedented outbreak of prudishness not seen since Victorian times.
