Racist Social Media Uses Code To Avoid Censorship

Sweet fancy Hitler! Have you seen any of this code floating around. "Google" no longer means Google, "Yahoo" no longer means Yahoo, and so on.
Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms will censor out any hate speech being passed between Nazis. So, for when you just gotta talk about how Skittles are going to put America under Sharia Law, there is a code.

This seems to be in response to Google and their Jigsaw program launched to combat harrassment and abuse online. Members of 4Chan started this out by using "Google" as a replacement for "nigger", that way, Google would find it's AI-based program filtering out its own name. Clever. So much energy going into so much hate.

I do, however, think that "A leppo" being a substitute for a libertarian is the funniest thing I've read all day.

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