I have a splitting headache.

h/t Michelle Hunter
Everyday. This happens everyday. I get a headache. Sometimes they are migraines. Sometimes, they are a moderate pain. Uhg, I want this to stop.

Maybe I should try not drinking so much damn coffee for once. Maybe that might be a good idea. Or I could just go grab a fist-full of ibuprofen like always. I hope my basic pains never develop an immunity to ibuprofen. That will seriously be my end.

I have been getting daily headaches for months now. I haven't seen a doctor. I haven't even thought about seeing a doctor. I'd like the headaches to stop but their prevalence and frequency aren't to a level where I want medical help. I don't know. Some times (quite often), I am stupid.

I know its that damn coffee. I drink a pot of coffee a day. Sometimes, two. I need it. I work the graveyard shift at a hospital and I need the caffeine. It is hard to function. I have been in this gig for seven years now and a zombie for all of them. The coffee is the only thing that keeps me from simply being animated meat.

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