Working in a coalmine, goin' down down down...

h/t Banksy

I am working a double. That's 16 hours for those who count. And this is the second double-day in a row. I did 16 hours yesterday too. I got four hours of sleep this afternoon and I am completely refreshed. Completely. Yep.

Everything I see is sharp. High-contrast. I think my eyes are going to give me another headache. I wear glasses and so I already think the compromised quality of my vision alters my perspective. Sometimes when I am tired, everything gets watercolor blurry. Watercolors can allow for some incredible renderings. They can also accept the random flow of liquid and have the visual data slip plus or minus there true representation.

I am going to have coffee now and I am sure I will have a headache in about 30-40 minutes.

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