An Adult:

Are you fu*king kidding me?

Denial of food isn't adult, unless all adults are sociopaths.

The other social programs are in effect to aid society from a 'big picture' point of view. You know, like how an adult would view things.

This lady didn't pay cash for her home, so she can shut up.

I am sure this lady is against both abortion and welfare. If she could think a few moves ahead (like an adult), she would understand the benefit of birth control and it being readily available.

This lady paid about $300 to go to college in her day where it costs 500% more now. If we want productive citizens and not welfare recipients in our society, we should loan them college money. It's a loan. It's a loan. It's a loan and we give them out to billion dollar corporations all the time with amazing interest rates. Oh and we are currently making a huge profit on those loans.

We talked about food.

And cell phones... you got me on this except for the fact that the program being referenced was started under a conservative.

So... what else you got there miss smirking adult lady? I am sure she is a stock photo, but still.

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