Women, women, women...

"I will not date a man. I will not carry a purse. I will not put on make-up. I will... I will love a woman."

This is hilarious because of the laundry list of "gay" things he won't do any more along with a new commitment to love women. Follow that up with a lot of dancing with men and you've got something too funny to be fake.

This is, however, one of the saddest things I have ever seen as well. This poor guy is changing who he really is in the clumsiest of ways in an obvious effort to be accepted by those close to him. I'm sure his family and friends in Christ are relieved now that he is no longer gay. I am sure that they think he'll thank them in the long run for the happiness that he will now truly experience because all that gay mess is just lies straight from Satan. I am sure that when he kills himself because he has been taught to hate himself so deeply all those God-fearing "Christians" will turn their back on him again for committing that mortal sin.

You see, they never cared about him. They cared about Jesus. Before, after and during, Jesus was the most important concern. The betterment of this guy was last, if at all, on the list. He is about to get a lot of empty hugs from empty people who only accept the facade that he is giving them. Tragic.

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