Bernie Sanders destroys CNN's GOP talking points

Some nice moments:

At 1:25 - Bernie Sanders: "Threaten compromise. Is that what you said? For six years we are trying to get the Republicans to support anything."

That lady just said that acting might cause the Republicans to not support Obama on anything... da hell?

At 1:58 - Bernie Sanders: "To say that we are going to break the wonderful harmony and working relationship that we have had for six years, that did not exist."

At 2:28 - Chris Cuomo: "Well they heard something Senator because they just voted in the Republicans in a very big way."

That is an interesting way to dress it up. Cuomo is pushing the GOP talking point that they have a mandate to do whatever the hell they want. No they don't. This was the lowest voter turnout since the twenties. A large percentage of a small percentage of Americans elected the Republicans. Further, as Senator Sanders was pointing out, both the polls and the referenda show an overwhelming embrace of viewpoints contrary to those of the Republican party. There is no mandate.

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